We are a local PAC working to turn Lake County blue. We meet monthly to focus on federal, state, and local issues affecting our communities.
We will be the local voice to protect human rights while ensuring equal representation at all levels of government. Our unified voice is necessary to fill the leadership and advocacy gap in Lake County.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
—Margaret Mead
Statement of Principles
We will safeguard and protect human and civil rights through direct action, community education and outreach, legislative advocacy, and support of elected officials and candidates who uphold the ideals of equality, fairness, and justice.
We will mobilize like-minded citizens to support like-minded candidates and vote, through voter registration, outreach, engagement, and ongoing connections.
We will identify, recruit, and actively support, though volunteering and financial contributions as appropriate, candidates representing our shared ideals, with a special focus on encouraging women and minority candidates.

Our Vision
We will partner with area political and human services groups to advance these goals and ideals.
We will encourage and expect a commitment to personal action and political engagement in all of our members.
We will endeavor to hold elected officials accountable to their electorate through engagement at public meetings, town halls, and communication with their offices.
We Need Your Support Today!